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A filter node filters rows based on the return values (T/F) of a given function func and takes filter_columns as input. The transformation only takes effect on the columns specified by the input_schema. Refer to filter API for more details.


Since the filter node only filters the input data, the input and output of a filter node should be the same. The function in the filter node takes filter_columns as input, which can overlap with one or more specified columns in the input_schema.


We use the filter(input_schema, output_schema, filter_columns, fn, config=None) interface to create a filter node.

Now let's take an object detection pipeline as an example to demonstrate how to use a filter node. This pipeline detects objects in images, filters out those unidentified objects, and then extracts the feature embedding of each detected object.

from towhee import pipe, ops

obj_filter_embedding = (
.map('url', 'img', ops.image_decode.cv2_rgb())
.map('img', 'obj_res', ops.object_detection.yolo())
.filter(('img', 'obj_res'), ('img', 'obj_res'), 'obj_res', lambda x: len(x) > 0)
.flat_map('obj_res', ('box', 'class', 'score'), lambda x: x)
.flat_map(('img', 'box'), 'object', ops.towhee.image_crop())
.map('object', 'embedding', ops.image_embedding.timm(model_name='resnet50'))
.output('url', 'object', 'class', 'score', 'embedding')

data = ['', '']
res = obj_filter_embedding.batch(data)

The DAG of the obj_filter_emnedding pipeline is illustrated below.


The data processing workflow of the main nodes is as follows.

  1. Map: Uses the image-decode/cv2-rgb operator to decode image URLs (url) into images (img).
  2. Map: Uses the object-detection/yolo operator to extract target objects in images (img), and returns a list of the information of the target objects (obj_res) in the images.
  3. Filter: Applies the function lambda x: len(x) > 0 to determine if the value of obj_resis greater than 0. In other words, this process filters out any undetected objects in the images.
  4. Flat map: Applies the lambda x: x function to flatten the obj_res of objects that meet the filtering condition. The output of this node is three columns - position of the detected objects (box), object classification (class), and the score of the objects (score).
  5. Flat map: Uses the towhee/image-crop operator to crop images (img) and obtain and images of the target objects (object).
  6. Map: Uses the image-embedding/timm operator to extract the features of each object and obtain the corresponding feature embedding (embedding)of the objects (object) .

When the pipeline is running, data transformation in each node is illustrated below.


  • The data in the img and object columns are in the format of towhee.types.Image. These data represent the decoded images. For easier understanding, these data are displayed as images in the following figure.
  • The data in the box column are in the format of list. These data are coordinates that represent the location of the objects in the images (Eg. [448,153,663,375]). For easier understanding, these data are displayed as the dotted squares in the images.



  • A filter node returns a list of values as either True or False after applying the function.
  • The input_schema and the output_schema in a filter node should have the same number of columns.